Photography Workshop

Sunday, October 16th  –  2 to 4 PM  Back by popular demand, Sue Hutchins will join us at the ski cabin for a PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP – just in time to take advantage of the fall colours! Sue will talk about light, shapes, focusing techniques and much more.  All you’ll need is an open mind, a functioning camera, and some spare batteries.

This is a workshop for adults only and will take place, rain or shine.  Plan for an easy 20 minute walk down to the cabin from the Mood Road gate and please be prompt. Assistance is available for those with mobility issues. Call Chris at 902-881-2658 to register for this course. Registration for this event is limited to 10.  Call soon! Don’t miss this great opportunity.  This is a free event, but your donations are always appreciated by the Friends of Ellenwood Park .  We can’t do what we do without YOU!

Sue Hutchins & friend

Sue Hutchins & friend





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