Clean Around the Loop

Friends of Ellenwood Park is one of the community groups that is participating in cleaning up the ditches and roadsides in the Chebogue Road area. The other groups we will be raising money for are  TREPA,SHYFT, Yarmouth Food Bank, Giles Boudreau Foundation, the 2 Historical Churches on Chebogue Rd and the Chebogue Cemetary Society. We hope that you will come out and join one of these groups or get a group of your neighbours together and clean the ditches and roadsides in your area.

“Clean Around the Loop”

Help out with a roadside cleanup of the neighbourhood !

Friday April 19, 2013  Rain Date: Friday April 26

Bring boots and gloves, wear bright colors or preferably reflective vests. Garbage bags will be supplied.  

Areas to be cleaned, time & meeting locations

Arcadia Corner-Lewis Rd 6:00, meet at Tri-County Vet Service

Lewis Rd-Wyman Rd 6:00, meet at Central Chebogue Church

Wyman Rd-Chebogue PtRd6:00, meet Congregational Church

Chebogue Pt Rd-Windlass Rest. 5:30, meet  Rockville Church

Windlass Rest.-Sand Beach Sign 6:30, meet at Sunday Pt Rd.

Sand Beach  sign-Town Line 5:30, meet at Town Limit sign

Wyman  and Ellis Rd 6:00,meet at corner Wyman and Ellis Rd

Please come out and help clean up your community.

Join online at and select our location on the map of Nova Scotia and hit join the team, or just meet at one of the above meeting locations.


More information? Stephen Sollows 742-6252

 Sundae Wiser 742-4172


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