Ever hiked by the light of a full moon?

The Friends of Ellenwood Park invite you to join us for a leisurely stroll by moonlight on Friday, January 10th.  It’s a great opportunity for photographers or for those who just appreciate our beautiful, starry night skies.  We will meet everyone at the Mood Road parking lot at 7:00 pm and walk around the lakefront loop before warming up with a hot drink at the ski cabin and heading home by 9:00 pm.  Dress for the weather and bring a flashlight (just in case).  The next two full moon hikes are planned for Sunday, February 9th and Monday, March 9th.  **All our events are weather dependent and will be cancelled if it’s too icy or conditions are unfavourable.  Always check our website for updates before heading out.  Please take the time to sign in at the gate when you arrive!

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