February is Heart & Stroke Month and the Friends of Ellenwood Park want you to Love Your Heart this Valentine’s Day!
You’re invited to hike down to the ski cabin for a heart-healthy day of winter fun! Why not give cross-country skiing a try? It’s free! We have skis, boots and poles for the whole family to borrow and groomed ski and hiking trails that will leave you breathless. Come on! Explore your natural resources at Ellenwood between 10 am and 4 pm this Valentine’s Day.
**Special Valentine’s Day gift for first time skiers and children while they last!
The ski cabin will also be open on Saturday, the 13th and again on Family Day, Monday the 15th from noon until 4:00 pm.
Skis are loaned on a first come first served basis. Cross-country ski equipment is also available from the Yarmouth Recreation Department in Hebron 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. Call 902-742-8868 for more information.