Tuesday, Jan. 10th update…

The trails are groomed and the ski tracks are set throughout the Park on this glorious winter Tuesday!  Note from Stephen: a bit too narrow for skate skiing, but otherwise a perfect day for cross-country!

Also of note…  PLEASE don’t walk or snowshoe near the ski tracks!  If you see someone on foot, perhaps with their dog, respectfully ask them to keep well clear of the ski tracks.  Ruts are dangerous for skiers… It’s like hitting a deep pot hole in the road if you were driving:-( Folks don’t always know about these things and they don’t do it deliberately.  Thanks.

I’ve had a few inquiries about how to access equipment during the week.  For those of us who can’t get out to Ellenwood on weekends, but want to ski or snowshoe, there’s an answer!  The Yarmouth Recreation Department up in Hebron loans out the same equipment we do. You can get fitted out there and drive out to Ellenwood to take advantage of the ski tracks!  To find out more, call 902-742-8868 or email misty@district.yarmouth.ns.ca  Although we don’t staff the cabin on weekdays, ski by and say “Hi!”  One of our volunteers may just be on hand to offer you a hot drink by the stove.

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