Snow conditions for Friday, March 4th and beyond…

Stephen was out grooming today and has track set the entire park for your classic and skate skiing pleasure! As long as the temperature remains below zero, the conditions should be excellent with enough snow on the ground to last through the weekend. See? There’s Stephen in action…

And for all you walkers out there, whether two or four-footed, PLEASE respect the hard work done by our volunteers and keep well away from any groomed surfaces. Rules for ALL trail users are clearly posted at the park gate and we appreciate your efforts to keep everyone safe. Thank you!

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Snow conditions for Saturday, Feb. 26th…

Stephen has just completed his run with the groomer and all trails around the park are now groomed and track set for classic and skate style skiing. He says that the conditions are good all around the park so get out there and enjoy it before it melts! Arnie has also been out with the plow so the walking path is all clear. All that’s missing is YOU!

PLEASE RESPECT THE HARD WORK DONE BY OUR GROOMERS and follow the Rules For Trail Users posted at the gate. This is not only a courtesy, but a serious safety issue for everyone! Pets must be kept on a leash, and well away from all groomed areas.

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Snow conditions for February 15th…

Larry has just finished grooming and track setting around the park and he reports that despite a thin base, the ski conditions are good! If the temperature stays below freezing we should have good skiing for the next few days and if we get any more snow it will be great!!!

And if you don’t believe me, then get out there and ski for yourself!

PLEASE respect the hard work done by our groomer and avoid all groomed areas unless you’re on skis! This is not only a courtesy, it’s a SAFETY issue for everyone. The rules for trail users are clearly posted.

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Ski conditions for February 5th…

All trails are still track set with poor conditions today due to rain.

Some of the trails are cut up from dogs. Use caution on down hill areas for damaged tracks and some bare spots.  

We’ll see what the weather brings overnight and post an update tomorrow. In the mean time…

It’s very disappointing to have to have to repeat old information, but for safety’s sake, it’s necessary. When a skier is moving at speed within a set of ski tracks and those tracks are broken up by snowshoers, walkers, or their dogs, it is DANGEROUS.

Think about driving your car on a paved surface and suddenly hitting a deep, wheel-grabbing pot hole! That’s what it’s like, except skiers are not protected by a metal cage. When they hit a ‘pot hole’ in a ski track, they can break limbs. PLEASE, it’s not much to ask.

Walkers stay on the left where it’s plowed. Dogs stay close and always on a leash – as posted clearly by the Park Authority. Pick up after your pets and avoid all groomed areas. THANK YOU for helping to keep everyone SAFE.

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It’s Groundhog Day!

So let’s go skiing AGAIN!

It’s the best skiing we’ve seen since the winter of 2015, but it won’t last much longer. Rain is due to arrive late today or tomorrow so don’t miss this rare chance to enjoy Ellenwood’s tracks and trails.

Bring your skis. Bring your snowshoes. Bring a friend.

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Snow conditions for Jan. 30th – Feb.2

There’s an abundance of snow at Ellenwood and great ski conditions for all of you trail blazers out there! Larry has been out grooming and you’re in for a rare treat.

As long as the temperatures remain below zero the base should stick around until mid week. Now that the wind has let up you have no excuse not to GET OUT THERE and enjoy all this white stuff!

Perfection! The last day of January…

**Although our ski cabin will remain closed due to covid, snowshoes and ski equipment can be borrowed from the Recreation Department in Hebron. Call (902) 742-8868 to inquire.

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Snow conditions for Sunday, Jan. 16th

There wasn’t enough of a snow base to allow for grooming or track setting this morning – thanks to the high wind yesterday. Snow has piled up in some places and scoured the ground bare in spots with patchy ice in others. That being said, I’d give it a 9 out of 10!

All trails are well covered and skiable with tracks throughout the three loops and around the park that have been made by earlier skiers. The three trees that had come down have been cleared away and the conditions are VERY GOOD!

In a word… with some extra care and caution it’s definitely skiable! If the below zero temperatures persist the conditions should be stable for another day of good skiing tomorrow.

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Snow conditions for Saturday, January 8th

Despite how much snow may be in your driveway this morning, there’s only about 5 cm on the ground at Ellenwood and the slightly higher temperature of the underlying pavement means that grooming has not been possible… BUT…

The good news is that folks have been out at the Park and have made their own tracks around all the loops and the conditions for skiing are very good!

Enjoy the day while you can and be sure to wear your sunglasses. Tomorrow we’re expecting higher temperatures and rain:-(

A trail blazer has been at work here!

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May your days be merry and bright…

The Friends of Ellenwood Park would like to wish each and every one of you the happiest of holidays with those you love, near or far.

Keep safe and take care of each other. See you in the New Year!

… and may all your Christmases be white!

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December 20th snow update…

Stephen managed to coax our temperamental skidoo into running again (at least for now) and the trails all around the park have been groomed with ski tracks set on the main road in.

The conditions are good, but be aware of a few bare patches on all loops. 

As long as the temperature stays below freezing there ought to be some mighty fine skiing at Ellenwood over the next few days. It never lasts for long so get out there and have fun!

Please sign in at the gate and pay attention to the Guidelines posted. As always, you ski at your own risk so be mindful of others and STAY SAFE.

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