Heritage Day at Ellenwood…

As of 10:30 this morning, the ski trails around the Park are crusty, partially ice-covered and FAST!  Definitely NOT for novice skiers.  In the interest of safety, the Friends of Ellenwood Park will not be loaning equipment to anyone without previous cross-country experience.  The surface is not appropriate for snowshoe use.

The plowed walking path that leads down to the ski cabin is mostly ice-covered and all walkers should take great care when heading into the Park. Crampons on your boots would be a good idea.

Saturday and Sunday were busy, fun-filled days on the trails for snowshoers and cross-country skiers alike.  We met LOTS of new folks and a ton of kids who all did their best and had a very good time:-)  A reward of hot chocolate and marshmallows just sweetened the experience even more.  Because of the large numbers of visitors, the ski tracks are a bit chopped up.  **If we are able to get out to groom later today, I will be sure to let you know! In the mean time, have a wonderful holiday however you spend it.  I will attach a beautiful photo that was sent to us by one of our trail users yesterday.  It’s a keeper;-)

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