Did you know it is estimated that over 3.5 million Canadians own cross-country equipment, of whom almost 2 million ski once a week or more during the winter months? Cross-country skiing is a great Canadian heritage just like hockey and maple syrup!
If you happen to be one of the 33,001,605 Canadians who DON’T own their own equipment, why not come to Ellenwood Park this weekend and borrow ours?
The ski cabin will be open for business from noon until 4:00 Saturday, Sunday AND holiday Monday. The conditions are perfect and the time is right. Please take time to review our SAFETY TIPS before heading out to the Park. Just click on the ‘Skiing At The Park’ tab on our home page for everything you need to know. Please bring a donation to help keep our snow mobile running. We can’t groom without your help. Ski ya later!