Landbird species at risk -Workshop

Invitation to Attend a Public Workshop on

Landbird Species at Risk in Forested Landscapes

Admission is free but registration is required. Coffee, tea, and snacks are provided.

The Canada Warbler, Common Nighthawk, Chimney Swift, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird are five Species at Risk that breed in our forested landscapes. This workshop will teach you to identify these birds and recognize suitable breeding habitat. You will learn why their populations are at risk, and what you can do to help steward their habitat in Southwestern Nova Scotia.

This workshop will be offered three times, at the following locations:

Annapolis Royal: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM

St. Luke’s Church Hall, 342 St. George Street

Liverpool: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 1:00-3:00 PM

Queen’s Place Emera Centre, 50 Queen’s Place Dr.

Tusket Falls: Saturday, March 8, 2014, 2:00-4:00 PM

Lake Vaughan Fire Hall, 617 Raynardton Road

Please register by sending your name and contact information by email to: or call 902-494-3533 for more information.


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